
Are you a HOT DANCER ?
Clubs seeking physically fit exotic dancers under 33 years of age. Over 21 years of age. Is this you?

247 Strip Info Application, Info & Rules
247 Exotic Dancer Jobs at your fingertips
247 easy application & accommodation approval
247 clubs listed are verified and licensed.
247 Support
247 booking code for free or discounted lodging.
Some travel dancers have green cards, working holiday visas, or lottery visas; some have student visas, marriage visas, or an entry, work, or citizenship visa. If you work in a foreign country without the correct visa you do so at your own risk. We do not offer work visas. We are here to promote clubs. We are not an immigration agency or travel agency.
247 is a website used by exotic dancers to apply for work at various clubs in USA, Europe & Guam.
Everything you need is here to get your application onto the club managers desk.
A confirmation email will be sent to you upon approval.​
There is no need to seek accommodation because all of the clubs here either provide a shared house or will refer you to one of their discounted hotel affiliates.
​​ If you are bringing a friend, both of you will need to apply & give name of who you want to share a room with.
All clubs have shifts; they will require you to sign up for the shifts you will work during your stay.
Cancelled shifts & no- shows will be charged a fee by the club. Best to always give advance notice if you cannot make it to work (if sick or other issue?.)
It is dangerous to bring customers or strangers into the housing or hotel rooms- for your own safety we ask you to keep all relations in the club or outside of the housing.
Finishing & Quitting
When you are about to finish or end your time at the club please return keys & pay any outstanding fees. Never leave without telling anyone. This could result in police being called- for your own safety.
Always give advance notice so the club can have shifts covered by other dancers after you leave.
If you are unhappy & wish to leave- follow the same rules as above. We understand not every club is right for every person so there's no reason for you to feel bad or angry. Inform the office staff or floor manager that the club is not a good fit for you & tell them you will be leaving. Give at least 2 days notice.
Returning Alone or With Friends
If everything went well your first time at 247 Strip Club you may want to return, sometimes with a friend.
247 Strip Club welcomes you back; in order to make it easier for you YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RE-APPLY. Just contact us; with your real first & last name + email so you can confirm a return date. Rebooking dates are dependent upon availability in housing or hotel availability.
Support will check for you & confirm.
All friends must apply the same way you did thru the ONLINE BOOKING FORM
If you have any further questions email us at: